Is Biaheza a Scammer? What You Need to Know

Biaheza scammer

If you are interested in making money online, chances are that you have heard the Biaheza name before. He has earned quite a reputation for himself in the world of making money online. But is Biaheza a scammer? 

Biaheza is a legitimate entrepreneur who makes a living on social media, YouTube, and through his dropshipping websites. He also has an online course available that promises to teach you how to do the same. He is not a scammer, but the course may not be worth your investment.

Stop wondering whether Biaheza is worth your time and money. Here is everything you need to know about this young entrepreneur and his online course. 

Who is Biaheza? 

Before you can draw conclusions about if Biaheza is a scammer, you should probably have some background information on him. Biaheza is still in his late teens, but he has achieved a level of success that many people only dream about. 

This teen has spent most of his life working hard on side hustles. His first attempts at making money came from flipping bicycles, selling action figures, and dabbling in graphic design on the popular website Fiverr. 

When he was just eleven years old, Biaheza was experimenting with social media platforms. He was making YouTube videos and taking selfies on an old iPod. This was the start of a long experiment with social media. 

By the age of fourteen, Biaheza was starting to gain a real following on his Instagram platform. At the age of sixteen, he made his first revenue from Instagram. He received $10 for featuring a business in a shout out on his social media. 

The money started to roll in after that first shout out. However, he started to notice a common theme. 

Most people were asking him to advertise products that they were purchasing from Aliexpress and then selling on their own sites. In other words, they were running moderately successful dropshipping businesses.  

Biaheza started his own dropshipping business to capitalize on the trend. His first attempt was less than successful, costing him more than he made. His second attempt was more successful. 

Less than nine months after starting the business, he was making six figures each month. 

Is Biaheza a Scammer? 

When you first examine the numbers, you might be tempted to think that Biaheza is a scammer. After all, what kind of eighteen-year-old is making six figures per month from the comfort of his own home? 

The truth is that he is wildly successful and has a pretty bright future ahead of him. 

Is Biaheza a Scammer?

A lot of his income comes from his dropshipping stores, but he also earns quite a bit from YouTube. He has more than 850,000 subscribers on his channel with millions of views. 

His videos contain content on: 

  • Finance
  • Side hustles
  • Investments
  • Making money

While it may seem unbelievable that he has achieved this level of success at such a young age, Biaheza is not a scammer. He even shares his screen in his videos to prove that he makes as much as he says. 

It took him years to learn the exact strategies he now uses to earn six figure profits each month. He is not an overnight success story, though it can seem that way when you consider his age. 

What is the Biaheza Course? 

To commemorate his successful business endeavors, Biaheza came up with his own course. 

Is Biaheza a Scammer?

The course, known as Biaheza’s Full Dropshipping Course, helps students to make their first big break with dropshipping. It takes less than two hours to watch the course in its entirety which is a little short considering that the course costs almost $300. 

Is the Biaheza course worth it? Here are a few of the topics you can expect to learn: 

  • The type of products that actually sell
  • Software used to find bestselling products
  • How to create a Shopify store from scratch
  • Obtaining content for the store
  • Drafting shipping and legal pages
  • Building an Instagram page from scratch
  • Choosing the right pages to advertise on, including Facebook ads
  • Dealing with taxes
  • Setting up customer service

Unlike scams like Instant Cash Solution, this Biaheza course does offer potential value to its students. The question really is whether or not the course is worth what you will spend. 

Is the Biaheza Course Worth It? 

There are a few complaints about this somewhat expensive course. The first main objection is that you can find much of this information for free on YouTube. Creating a Shopify store is easy and many people have already created free content on this topic. 

One of the more appealing aspects of the course talks about how to find the right products to sell. It emphasizes the use of software to determine what will sell, but is this really the best approach to curating your dropshipping store? 

Many people would argue that you need to understand market trends if you want to experience long-term success. If the software were to stop working, you would have no idea how to manage your products on your own. 

Is Biaheza a Scammer?

In terms of finding the right products to sell in your business, you might find that everyone who takes the course comes to the same conclusions. This means that too many people are going to be selling the same products in the market. 

In other words, this oversaturation is bad for your unique business. 

The course also does not go into much detail on free sources of traffic. It emphasizes social media ads which are great, but not everyone has money to spend on advertising. 

Consumers who have taken the course agree that it has some solid information in it for beginners. Biaheza is not a scammer, and he does have a solid track record with his own dropshipping businesses. 

However, you might want to consider whether it is worth the $294 price tag when much of this information is available online for free. It may not be as consolidated, but you might find more valuable information from a variety of sources on YouTube. 

Earning Money Online with Biaheza

Many people who start to investigate earning money online hear about Biaheza and wonder if it is too good to be true. His course is very popular, but it may not be worth the investment when you can find similar resources for free. 

Is Biaheza a scammer? No, he is a legitimate entrepreneur with great success in the dropshipping industry. However, you may benefit more from his free content on YouTube than from the $300 investment in his e-course. 

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